Weekend reads: inside GTMO, a floating power plant, and Cuban emigration

The drive-thru window at the McDonald’s in Guantanamo Bay. Source: NYT

To keep you busy this weekend... here are three fascinating Cuba-related stories:

TRT (video): A floating power plant is providing 10% of Cuba's power. Cuba has long struggled to meet its energy demand from domestic sources. Until the early 90s, Cuba received free or subsidized oil from the Soviet Union. In recent years, Venezuela has provided much of Cuba's energy. Turkey is now selling power to the island from its innovative, offshore power plant.

Al Jazeera: ‘This is a new wave’: Hundreds of Cubans seek refuge in Greece. We may be seeing the beginning of a new wave of Cuban emigration driven by political and economic troubles at home. In the U.S. alone, the number of Cubans trying to cross the border has doubled from the previous year. Al Jazeera speaks directly with migrants arriving in Greece.

New York Times: Guantánamo Bay: Beyond the Prison A rare look inside the infamous U.S. Navy base, a place that is way more interesting than you think. For starters, it's the only place in Cuba with a McDonald's.


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An unstoppable force, an immovable object